Cybersecurity for Human Resources Professionals Self-Paced Online Course

Cybersecurity for Human Resources Professionals Self-Paced Online Course

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Cybersecurity for Human Resources Professionals
Self-Paced Online Course


Continuing Education Credits: Total PDUs/Contact Hours: 3 Strategic & Business Management PDUs: 1.25 Technical PM PDUs: 0.25 CEUs: .3 (Contact Hours: 3 hours) HRCIs: 3 SHRMs: 3


Estimated Time To Complete:  3 Hours


Self-Paced Online Course Description

This course introduces cybersecurity concepts to those who work in the field of human resources. Particular focus is placed on working in conjunction with more technical departments in delivering to employees effective training and policies regarding corporate security. The course also engages learners on security concerns specific to the type of data handled by human resources departments.

What You Will Learn:

  • Exhibit a foundational understanding of cybersecurity
  • Responsibly advocate for HRs role in cybersecurity policy and training
  • Develop the communication tools necessary to interface with technical and security professionals in the workplace
  • Identify major legislation in relation to workplace cybersecurity
  • Enumerate specific programs that HR professionals should implement in regard to employee training and motivation for cybersecurity
  • Display the knowledge and mindset to participate in strategic planning around the topics of cybersecurity, governance, incident response, and business continuity

Key Features:

  1. Mobile-friendly
  2. Audio-enabled
  3. Badge and credit-awarding
  4. Games & Flashcards
  5. Expert-supported
  6. Video content
  7. Fully accessible

Price:  $79.00

For a course preview and to register, click here!


Center for Financial Training

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