
The Supervision course is NCCRS recommended for College Credit Transfer!

The Supervision course blends skill-building techniques and traditional management principles to prepare students to become supervisors in today’s business world. The course will emphasize that supervision is working through people to develop and empower them to become better and more efficient in their roles, and closely follows the SCANS requirements for the five workplace competencies and three-part foundation of skills and personal qualities needed for job performance.  Textbook chapter topics include:

Modern Supervision: Concepts and Skills
Ensuring High Quality and Productivity
Groups, Teams, and Powerful Meetings
Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics
Managing Diversity
Reaching Goals: Plans and Controls
Organizing and Authority
The Supervisor as Leader
Problem Solving, Decision Making and Creativity
Motivating Employees
Problem Employees: Counseling and Discipline
Managing Time and Stress
Managing Conflict and Change

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