Law & Banking: Applications

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The Law and Banking Applications course is NCCRS recommended for College Credit Transfer!

Business law and, more generally, the legal environment of business, have universal applicability.  A student entering virtually any field of business must have at least a passing understanding of business law in order to function in the real world.  Topics covered include:  Introduction to Law and Legal Reasoning; Courts and Alternative Dispute Resolution; Negotiable Instruments; Creditors’ Rights and Bankruptcy; Agency Formation and Duties; Liability to Third Parties and Termination; Administrative Law; Consumer and Environmental law; Cyberlaw and E-Commerce.  Textbook chapter topics include:

Purpose and Types of Negotiable Instruments
Transferring Negotiable Instruments
Holders in due Course, Defenses, and Liabilities
Bank-Depositor Relationships, Deposits, and Collections
Mortgages and Security Interests
The Principal and Agent Relationship
Agency Operation
Employment Law
Labor-Management Relations Law
Business Organization and Regulation
The Corporate Entity
Corporate Governance
Business Organization and Regulation
Professional Liability
Electronic Law