Active Shooter: Prevention & Response

Unfortunately, it’s not a question of “if,” it’s a question of when and where the next active shooter event will occur. According to the FBI, these incidents have been on an upward trend since 2016. In 2020, we saw a 33% increase from the year before and a 100% increase from 2016. What is your degree of readiness? In this fast-moving session, we will cover the history of these events, current statistics, pre-event planning, and best practices. We will also delve into the active shooter’s mindset, identify commonalities among cases, and reveal how what you observe and report before an incident can often prevent events altogether. Preparation, planning, and training are crucial in prevention and survival. Learn what you must do to protect yourself and your workplace.

Program Highlights:

  • Current statistics and trends
  • Examination of recent cases
  • The high cost of complacency
  • Profiles of killers
  • Best practices for prevention and response
  • Is your workplace at risk?
  • Learning to trust instincts
  • Where threats come from
  • Workplace violence continuum
  • Creating a plan
  • Developing situational awareness
  • How to survive
  • Aftermath